The Team at Pokémon Professor have a passion for Pokémon. It is typically on our mind as soon as we wake up, and we carry that passion through the day until we put our heads down at night. Being working parents, the ability to dedicate the time required to create content is a daily struggle. Faced with the battle against time, we have decided to push on, as we are motivated by our community to provide a positive source of information. An individual sacrifice of time could lead to providing an entire community with information and entertainment. What started as a small passion project, has grown into something much bigger. When I had the idea to start a Podcast, I didn't think that within a few years I would have such an active community, social media, live events and website, all which would need to be updated and maintained in my spare time.
This leads us to our next challenge, which any small business must face. How the heck do we pay for this stuff!? Hosting services for multiple Podcasts, Emails, and Websites, Web building tools, cameras, microphones, software etc! When this hobby transitioned to more of a service, I wanted to explore crowd funding and how it can be used in a transparent and fully disclosed manner.
Enter Patreon - A method that allows our community to support us in a consistent manner, at a financial amount that works for their budget. Patreon is secure, trusted, and has been the driving force behind many of the content creators I admire. I have created the humble goals on Patreon, it provides a security net for our content, allowing the shows to never need to break down if something were to happen.
Giving back - Part of what makes Patreon great, is the ability for creators to have a much closer relationship with their supporters. By contributing on Patreon, you can earn perks like access to our private Discord Server or getting a shout out on the show! We will also be providing weekly updates that will be exclusive to our Patrons.
With contribution levels starting as low as $1 a month, we hope that you would consider becoming a Patron. Your support will go directly to the Hosting costs of the Podcast, Website, and Email Servers, while developing a budget that will be used for giveaways and contests for our fans.
On behalf of the entire Pokémon Professor team, thank you for your consideration!
Ken Pescatore
Pokémon Professor
Copyright © 2023 Pokémon Professor - All Rights Reserved.
Pokémon And All Respective Names are
Trademark & © of Nintendo 1996-2023
Pokémon GO is Trademark & © of Niantic, Inc.
Pokémon Professor is not affiliated with Niantic Inc., The Pokémon Company, Game Freak or Nintendo.
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