Season 2 Global Cup Schedule
10/13/19 - Sinister Cup
11/17/19 - Ferocious Cup
12/8/19 - Timeless Cup
1/19/20 - Fusion Cup
2/23/20 - Rose Cup
3/22/20 - Toxic Cup (Cancelled)
4/19/20 - Voyager Cup (Cancelled)
5/17/20 - Forest Cup (Cancelled)
6/21/20 - Sorcerous Cup (Cancelled)
7/19/20 - July Cup TBA
8/23/20 - August Cup TBA
Season 2 Monthly Cup Schedule
10/18/19 - Sinister Cup
11/15/19 - Ferocious Cup
12/27/19 - Timeless Cup
1/17/20 - Fusion Cup
2/21/20 - Rose Cup
3/20/20 - Toxic Cup (Cancelled)
4/17/20 - Voyager Cup (Cancelled)
5/15/20 - Forest Cup (Cancelled)
6/19/20 - Sorcerous Cup (Cancelled)
7/17/20 - July Cup TBA
8/21/20 - August Cup TBA
Season 2 Monthly Cup Schedule
10/20/19 - Sinister Cup
11/24/19 - Ferocious Cup
12/26/19 - Timeless Cup
1/11/20 - Fusion Cup
2/16/20 - Rose Cup
3/22/20 - Toxic Cup (Cancelled)
Voyager Cup (Cancelled)
Forest Cup (Cancelled)
Sorcerous Cup (Cancelled)
July Cup TBA
August Cup TBA
Freehold Regional
1. Victreeballs
2. ProfBeardo
3. Bucknasty
4. WendysQueen
5. Mendejo93
6. Stormful
7. Falaayyy
8. GottaWatchemAll
Bayshore/Two Rivers &
Raiders Of The Lost Karp
1. Victreeballs
2. Bucknaaasty
3. th3ph0enix
4. Blacksmith1208
5. Mendejo93
6. OldDirtyTim
7. ShinyCarol7777
8. Kruky319
9. Ogbignug
10. themermaidbaker
11. Falaayyy
East Brunswick PRCC
1. Kruky319
2. danielkrae
3. DaEvilPickleman
4. ErosTrinidad
5. TylerDurden1217
6. WuZER85
7. th3ph0enix
8. themermaidbaker
9. Falaayyy
10. Dashyyy
11. nom0rewards
12. OldDirtyTim
13. WendysQueen
14. TeamCaraLynn
15. Mjp5612
Freehold Regional
1. Frang888
2. Stormful
3. Victreeballs
4. Falaayyy
5. GottaWatchemAll
6. MooseGuts
7. WendysQueen
8. DuderGamer
Bayshore/Two Rivers &
Raiders Of The Lost Karp
1. ProfBeardo
2. Victreeballs
3. themermaidbaker
4. th3ph03nix
5. pjmn32392
6. WuZER85
7. Kruky319
8. Blacksmith1208
9. ShinyCarol7777
10. Falaayyy
11. Mendejo93
12. WendysQueen
13. BuckNasty
East Brunswick PRCC
1. DaEvilPickleMan
2. SirJoePobz
3. MrRime87
4. WuZER85
5. Kruky319
6. Victreeballs
7. yankstar002
8. danielkrae
9. Falaayy
10. nom0rewards
11. WendysQueen
12. AgentofChaos27
East Brunswick PRCC
1. TylerDurden1217
2. th3ph0enix
3. DaEvilPickleMan
4. MrRime87
5. Vincewassig
6. themermaidbaker
7. Falaayyy
8. WuZER85
9. nom0rewords
10. AgentofChaos27
11. danielkrae
12. SirJowPobz
13. WendysQueen
Bayshore/Two Rivers &
Raiders Of The Lost Karp
1. Victreeballs
2. themermaidbaker
3. th3ph0enix
4. ProfBeardo
5. Falaayyy
6. Blacksmith1208
7. Kruky319
8. Mendejo93
9. WuZER85
10. ShinyCarol7777
11. Bucknaaasty
12. WendysQueen
Freehold Regional
1. Victreeballs
2. IncaKnight
3. ProfBeardo
4. Kruky319
5. themermaidbaker
6. giantbeetle
7. Falaayyy
8. Stormful
9. th3ph0enix
10. DarthButcher
East Brunswick PRCC
1. MrRime87
2. th3ph0enix
3. WuZER85
4. DaEvilPickleMan
5. Nebdejo93
6. Bucknaaasty
7. AgentofChaos27
8. Falaayyy
9. SirJoePobz
10. Stormful
11. danielkrae
Freehold Regional
1. Victreeballs
2. Sporkn8er
3. Stormful
4. th3ph0enix
5. Falaayyy
6. GottaWatchemAll
7. giantbeetle
8. DuderGamer
Bayshore/Two Rivers &
Raiders Of The Lost Karp
1. Sporkn8er
2. cristoleon
3. Victreeballs
4. Cheddachedda
5. Kruky319
8. themermaidbaker
9. Blacksmith1208
10. Jayprice24
11. JabronMax
12. Ogbignug
13. giantbeetle
14. Victitus
15. ShinyCarol7777
East Brunswick PRCC
1. MrRime87
2. TylerDurden1217
3. DaEvilPlckleMan
4. Stormful
5. Sporkn8er
6. themermaidbaker
7. PoonTac
8. th3ph0enix
Bayshore/Two Rivers &
Raiders Of The Lost Karp
1. Sporkn8er
2. pjmn32392
3. Bucknaaasty
4. Cheddachedda
5. Victreeballs
6. Blacksmith1208
7. Mendejo93
8. Stormful
9. themermaidbaker
10. giantbeetle
11. Kruky319
12. ShinyCarol7777
13. Victitus
14. th3ph0enix
15. Shuster02
16. Madcow30
17. Selfhazard
18. Ogbignug
19. RobbyRampardos
Freehold Regional
1. ProfBeardo
2. Beastly360
3. Victreeballs
4. Buckets72
5. Sporkn8er
6. giantbeetle
7. Stormful
8. Shuster0
Howell Center Shopping Plaza
2396 Rt 9 Howell, NJ 07731
This exceptional space has room for 24 person tournaments and spectators. Specializing in tabletop and card games like Dungeons & Dragons and Magic The Gathering, you can also find a ton of retro games and merchandise for sale. $5 an hour and you can play any game in the house. They also offer facilities for streaming and media creation.
77 Monmouth Street
Red Bank, NJ 07701
This family owned and operated brewery is located on the banks of the mighty Navesink River in beautiful downtown Red Bank, NJ. Producing craft creations that utilize the best local farm to table ingredients available. This venue can easily accommodate tournaments of 24 trainers or more.
62 White St.
Red Bank, NJ 07701
(RIP - After over 45 years in business, Hobbymasters will be closing in 2020) Located in downtown Red Bank, NJ this landmark location has been a staple in the area since 1975. Offering two floors filled with remote controlled cars, models, trains, crafts and games. The second floor has an a tabletop gaming section capable of holding 16 person tournaments and spectators.
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